While I love shooting weddings, engagements, and the hustle and bustle that a wedding day brings, I absolutely LOVE photographing pregnancy-in every stage! With weddings, certain things about a wedding day don’t hit you quite like they do until after you have kids yourself (you can find me quietly tearing up behind the camera during mother son dances). Photographing maternity sessions are similar in that they didn’t become something I loved to do until after I became a mother. You realize how fleeting the 9 months actually is. You miss the little kicks, the feeling of the life growing inside you, the anticipation, the happiness, joy, love, your ever changing body, and all of the hopes and dreams that instantly start developing the minute you see the two pink lines. It’s a time in your lives to be celebrated and documented-something every mother should be able to look back on.

I know not everyone thinks about having, or desires to have a maternity session. I’m so glad that Tanner and Allison made it a priority before their sweet babe arrives next month! Allison is stunning and pregnancy looks so beautiful on her, wouldn’t you agree? We photographed their maternity session near Smithville lake among the golden hour sun and wildflowers and friend, it was pure magic.