Scarlett Frances | 7 Months

August 2, 2018

Scarlett turned 7 months old (last month)!! I debated even posting some of these photos because well… . little miss is at the point where laying still is a fight and you can see how happy she was about that! She’s pretty quick to flip on over when you lay her down. But, I still love them because it shows her as she is at this point in her life and that’s what this whole series is about.

-This month Scarlett has FINALLY figured out how to roll back and forth. Yay!! We basically forced it on her when we took her DockATot away and had her sleep in her crib. She had to quickly learn so she could roll around during the night. 🙂  (Speaking of sleeping, girl likes her sleep. She sleeps all night about 12 hours and then has 2 really good naps during the day.)

– Now that she’s gotten that down, she is working on crawling. Scarlett loves to get up on all fours and rock. She just hasn’t been brave enough to put one knee or hand forward. She can, however, push herself backwards. Sometimes she ends up under the couch with her head sticking out. Ha!

– Scarlett has started eating some real food. Not mushed baby stuff. She’s had mashed potatoes, some of a soft cookie, and just yesterday she had the nasty middle part of a hard boiled egg. It’s so funny to watch her chew. She’s really getting the hang of it and has to make a noise every time she chews. It sounds like she’s saying “num num num”.

– Chunky is still accurate. While she weighs as much as Carter did at this age, I still feel like she’s chunkier…? She is in between 9 & 12 month clothing right now. She’s been wearing some of her 12mo onesies….ummm… slow down on the cookies girl!

-No teeth to report yet, but as you can see in the photos, she’s a drool bucket.

She is getting quite the “little miss princess” personality. I think her daddy is just fine with that. 🙂 She is so sweet, goofy, patient, and loveable, scrumptious, and as one lady told me at the store the other day, she brings so much joy to others. 🙂 (She actually said that about both kiddos).

We love you sweet baby girl! 

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